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Início Sobre Nós Projetos Comunicação Participar Contato
What we do

4criancas 150 100 Children and Adolescents | We offer a high-quality, extra-curricular program for children and adolescents of Jardim Canadá. Enrichment activities include: homework support; reading, writing and math; capoeira angola; drama and art; sports and games; psycho-pedagogical activities; local identity projects and family integration events.
reuniao dos pais 150 100 Parents | We encourage parents to be actively involved in the education process by participating in family events and parent-teacher meetings about their child’s development, as well as contributing to program evaluation.  
escola benvinda 150 100 Public School | We support the teachers and students of the local public elementary school (where 90% of our students attend) through academic enrichment projects, providing them with new ways of learning and interacting. 
capoeira roda na comunidade circo 150 100 Community | We are home to an up-to-date library about Jardim Canadá and region that includes information about its history, identity, local resources and socio-demographic data.
fdc 150 100 Partners | We develop mutually beneficial partnerships with committed organizations, aligned with our values and objectives, in order to multiply the quality and impact of our actions through cooperation and knowledge exchange. 
mg marmores 150 100 Social Investors | We plan, manage and evaluate our projects with responsibility and efficiency in order to obtain a positive return on social investment and ensure the sustainability of the Institute. We demonstrate the results of our actions through continuous, open communication with our investors. 


Instituto de Desenvolvimento Local Integrado - Casa do Jardim
Rua Walpoli, 126 | Jardim Canadá, Nova Lima
Minas Gerais, Brasil | CEP 34.000-000
+55 31 98209.2662 | joannedurchfort@gmail.com